Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Settling In

It takes a while to settle in to a new home - especially when you have given/sold/donated more than 50% of what you own, and then you need to buy a few new things. Thankfully almost all of our purchases have been made. Scheduling deliveries with the building, and dealing with deliveries that come a week earlier than scheduled can be challenging. I'm just glad it's all here now :)
Here is a picture of our everything room - you can see Rick's new desk and the new bookcases. Also the new rug took a long time to pick out - we ended up changing our mind at the very last minute too. The barcaloungers are from the basement. We were pretty happy to get curtains too.

Here is Rick's pride and joy - we were going to get a flat plasma, but figured by the time this one needs to be replaced, we can get one of those organic LED screens (ha, ha!). Don'tcha love my desk?

I am feeling incredibly lucky that we get a dining nook!

Here is our bedroom with a wonder closet!
And this is our teeny tiny itsy bitsy incredibly small bathroom...
So, that's our little love nest in the upper east side :) Hopefully we get a few more touches of home included soon :)